Friday, March 26, 2010


It felt very frustrated when you cannot get what you always wanted in life. It really does. Look at kids who are not allowed to play with toys simply because their parents cannot afford to buy one. They would feel very sad, not because the fact that their parents are having financial problems. They're sad because they cannot get to play with the toys that they desire.

We would think this is very childish. We think that we would feel differently if we are adults and having to face the same situation. As for me, I don't think so. We shouldn't take the case with the kids and their toys directly. For our case, it is extravagantly complicated.

As adults we are not looking for toys to make us happy. There are other things. Getting married, having a lot of money in our pockets, going for luxurious vacations, having dinner at exclusive restaurants and what not. These are our toys. Some are more important than the others. Some might be considered as needs while the rest are our desires.

When there are things that could block you from your way to achieve what you desired, you will directly be frustrated. And, that will be the perfect time to play "blaming others" game. It seems right to blame everyone in this whole wide world other than ourselves for the thing that we are going through. This is true since I am having the same problem myself. For example, when our car tire was punctured because we ran over a hole on the street, we will firstly blame either the tire or the street and not ourselves who obviously having the control of our car in our hands. We might play the blaming game as far as with the government who is responsible to make sure the street is a safe place to drive on.

However, things are far more complicated than what I can give you in my example. Sometimes, even we have no control with the situation that we have to face. Blaming others will not help even a little. Blaming ourselves will not shrink the issue as well. What then?

Let's ask the Almighty to help us see the hikmah behind every test that He puts upon us every single day. I'm very sure, nothing happens in this world but with a reason. A reason that could transform us to become a better person.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010


Love unconditionally.

Some say it is a myth, some say it is pure truth.

The first time I came across the term "unconditional love", I didn't really understand what does it mean. However, deep in my heart I know it's good.

Being able to understand that term now, I personally think that it maybe too good to be true. Just imagine this, you were just being laid out from your company. When you got home, your wife or parents (for those who are still bachelors like me) scolded you for what had just happened to you. Tell me if what you feel for them at that time is exactly the same like when you are in a "happy we are so lucky" mode.

Those with very tough mental attitude might be able to attain this. If our love could really be unconditional, there's nothing more that we could ask to be happier. Those around us couldn't be more thankful to have us at their side. How prosperous our life will be.

Let's make unconditional love happen to those around us, to the Almighty that only Him worthy to be worshipped, and also to our Prophet whom without his teachings will make us live in darkness.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010


Terlalu banyak perkara yang kita lakukan tanpa ada sebab yang konkrit. Sebagai seorang Islam yang diajar untuk mempersoalkan banyak perkara, saya sukar menerima bila kita terpaksa melakukan sesuatu hanya kerana orang dahulu biasa mengamalkannya.


Pernah saya dimarahi oleh ibu, ayah, datuk dan nenek kerana terlalu banyak mempersoalkan adat Melayu semasa majlis pertunangan saya. Saya pelik kenapa...
  1. Kenapa perlu sediakan jumlah2 hantaran tertentu untuk dihantar ke rumah perempuan? Si perempuan perlu membalas dengan jumlah tertentu pula. Contohnya, kalau lelaki hantar 7 dulang, perempuan perlu balas 9 atau lebih. Jumlahnya mesti berangka ganjil.
  2. Kenapa tepak sireh atau sireh junjung seakan2 wajib ada dalam salah satu dulang hantaran itu?
  3. Kenapa cincin bertunang perlu berbatu? Cincin merisik pula berbelah rotan? (Ini mungkin lebih kepada tanda, bukan adat)
  4. Dan lain-lain
Ada lagi beberapa perkara, namun terlalu sensitif untuk saya sebutkan di sini. Mungkin ada sahabat lain yang mahu berkongsi pendapat.

Walaubagaimanapun, saya tidak menafikan peranan adat dalam membentuk kita menjadi seorang yang tertib, saling menghormati dan hidup teratur. Cuma, kalau kita terus mengamalkan adat-adat yang tidak relevan dengan masa, saya bimbang bangsa ini akan terus ketinggalan.

Kita perlu berubah. Akal fikiran perlu menjadi paksi kepada tindakan sekiranya tiada nas qath'ie (kuat) yang mensabitkan untuk kita melakukan atau meninggalkan sesuatu.

Tidak lupa, ingin saya ucapkan syukur atas majlis pertunangan yang sudah. Alhamdulillah, dikurniakan tunang solehah dan keluarganya yang sangat baik.

Ayah saya (berbaju belang) sedang berbincang dengan ayah tunang saya. Nama tunang dirahsiakan..hehe

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